Thursday, 8 August 2013


This drill was total with the firing of blanks into a hallway to provide the students the very real feeling that they were being attacked. Officials claimed that this work out would help teachers and students “be familiar with the sound and respond speedily be supposed to a lively gunman circumstances happen.”

According the school website: “The drill will begin with a public concentrate on declaration concerning the lockdown. After staff has protected their rooms, Cary police and administrators will sweep the building to make sure all students made it into protected locations and charge any probable issues that may become obvious from the perform. Following this, a second PA declaration will be made informing students and staff that gunfire will be replicated so that they might be able to be familiar with the sound and respond rapidly, should an active gunman circumstances arise.”

They went on to clarify: “Following the drill, a discussion will ensue with the students and their classroom teacher. We will utilize this feedback as a building and police section to appraisal our sanctuary and make any necessary adjustments to our building figure. Our sole motive for utilizing the blanks is to fully arrange our students and staff.”

Parents whose children attend the school were worried that the replicated gunfire was going beyond requirements. One parent said: “If you need to run a drill, you run a drill. They run fire drills all the time, but they don’t run up and down the hallway with a flamethrower.”

Students were upset by the crassness of the drill. Some participants pointed out that not all guns sound the same when fired. And a substitute teacher suggested that there be proactive training on what do to in such a situation instead of the terrifying drill that was conducted by school officials.

Jeff Puma, spokesperson for the high school explained that the management is working with the Cary Police subdivision who recommended that this drill take place. Puma said: “It was their suggestion that we do this in order to create the awareness essential to keep our students safe in an active crisis circumstances.”
Puma said that the police referred to the students as “sitting ducks” while in their classrooms should a shooter enter the building. The police dejected that the students remain in their classrooms for “security reasons” rather than try to getaway throughout a window or run out a door.

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