Thursday, 1 August 2013

Safety Services

Acting on behalf of Motivated Guard Services, Inc (“Motivated Guard”) and its shareholders of Lake Worth, Florida, USA, the Tampa place of work of global company sales specialist, Benchmark International, successfully facilitated the sale of Motivated Guard to Nor-Seg safety Services Inc (“Nor-Seg”) for an secret amount.
Motivated Guard ( has obtainable their clients knowledgeable security services since 2002. The company is recognized for its aptitude to monitor and expand inventive solutions for security problems while upholding its commitment and high standards.
Nor-Seg, ( is a worldwide security firm that offers protector and state-of-the-art services. The company has an attendance in Argentina, Paraguay, and United States with the main office in Argentina. Nor-Seg is a market consolidator and its present attainment assignment for the United States is to get additional market share in Florida.
The shareholders of Motivated Guard shared the following, “While we had several choices of possible acquirers, we felt the team at Nor-Seg was the best acquirer to help grow our corporation and achieve our personal goals. Benchmark was timely, specialized, and committed to the sale of Motivated Guard. We will recommend Benchmark to other business owners for the auction of their company. ”
Nor-Seg’s CEO said “The attainment of Motivated Guard has allowable us to increase our geographic reporting and go into into new counties in South Florida. The corporation met all of our attainment criteria and Benchmark did a great job identifying the company as a potential fit and proactively reaching out to us to discuss the opportunity. We are eager to continue to gain market split in the county and look frontward to future contact with Benchmark.”
Kendall Stafford, Deal Lead Director, stated, “We conventional many investigation for Motivated Guard, and several parties interested in presenting bids, but Nor-Seg’s edifying fit and aptitude to move speedily were a great fit for our client. We wish them much success during the changeover epoch and we look frontward to working wuth Nor-Seg on future opportunities.”
Everyone at standard worldwide would like to thank all parties concerned and wish them the very best for the opportunity.

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